Regulator Automation offers an extensive range and brands of Quality Valves and Actuators. Since not all applications are the same, we use this diverse range to try and support our customers with the best possible outcomes for their site requirements . Some of our brands supported are Belimo, Controlli, Eatec, industrietechnik, Honeywell, Sauter, Schneider Electric and Siemens.
Belimo Open/Close ball valve, 2 Way, Internal Thread • Used for 2 Way, Open/Closed Water Systems (Cold and Warm) • Used...
Belimo Rotary Valve Actuators suited to R2 and R3 Series Ball Valves up to 10 Kvs. • Nominal...
The SAUTER AXT is the next consistent development in thermal actuator technology. It has pulse-pause control and is...
Sauter 2 way valve, External Thread • Used for 2 Way, Open/Closed Water Systems (2 °C…120 °C) • Pushing force max....
Belimo Rotary Valve Actuators suited to R2 and R3 Series Ball Valves ( 40mm & 50mm ) •...
Belimo Rotary Valve Actuators suited to R2 and R3 Series Ball Valves up to 40 Kvs. • Nominal...
Belimo Open/Close ball valve, 3 Way, Internal Thread • Used for 3 Way, Open/Closed Water Systems (Cold and Warm) • Used for...
Belimo Rotary Valve Actuators suited to R2 and R3 Series Ball Valves up to 20mm. • Nominal torque:...
Controlli MVA actuators are electro-thermal type and are controlled by an on-off signal or, for MVA41/42 only, by...
Controlli MVH actuators have linear characteristic (linear ratio between input signal and valve coupling joint movement). They are...
Controlli MVE is a flexible electro mechanical actuator for the control of two and three-way globe valves in:...
Controlli MVT actuators are an electrical bidirectional actuator. The valve stem is activated through a synchronous motor and...